Thursday, October 14, 2010

{UVic Poverty Law Club} updates on panel and legal observers program

hi all,

a couple updates:

-i checked in with kym hothead about the date for the panel and it turns out that the other kim we had in mind to speak will be at a hep c conference.  richard, who is part of the green community and involved with copwatch, has offered to speak on his experience.  his peer chris may join him as well.  this means the panel is looking pretty male dominated- perhaps we should invite erica?  i will wait to hear back about the other speakers.  on another note, everyone on the committee was really thrilled about the speakers panel.

-about the copwatch/ legal observers program:
we decided today that the amount of work involved to do a good, comprehensive training is huge and with student schedules it wouldn't make sense to do a training in december, so we are going to wait until the new year.  in the mean time we are going to have a smaller training- more a development of the program- where we go through the handbook developed in vancouver and adapt it in victoria, in november. we were hoping to request some small funds from the club around ($30-$40) for coffee and snacks for this training in november and i wanted to inquire what the process was.  i am happy to pay for the food and get reimbursed if thats cool with the club- not sure of how things are done.

 if you are interested in helping with legal research for this training (research around municipal laws), getting involved or attending, please email me off the list.  jess and anna, i think you were the two students who attended last time, your contacts were misplaced, so if you could email them to me that would be great as im compiling a contact list for the group.

thanks and have a great weekend,

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